
Ostional National Wildlife Refuge

Tags beaches, wildlife refuges

Ostional Wildlife Refuge is best known as Costa Rica's second-most important nesting site for the Olive Ridley sea turtle; it is second only to Playa Nancite, located in Santa Rosa National Park. Every year, tens of thousands of Olive Ridleys come to shore during arribadas, mass nesting periods that last year-round with peaks between June and December. The months of September, October and November see the largest number of nesting turtles. Small populations of leatherback and Pacific green turtles also nest on Playa Ostional.

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Quick Facts

  • Location: 6 miles from Nosara
  • Altitude: Sea level
  • Area: 1,156 land acres and 19,768 marine acres
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
  • Telephone: 2682-0937 and 2682-0400
  • Entrance Fee: Free

Last updated: Oct 21, 2023