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       rest stop at matapalo beach osa peninsula
  - Costa Rica

Stand Up Paddling in Matapalo - Osa Peninsula

Stand Up Paddling in Matapalo - Osa Peninsula



  • Perfect waves for beginners
  • Experienced CPR-trained instructor


  • Time length : 2 hours
  • Price : $55 per person
  • What to bring : Sunscreen, bathing suit
  • Start time : Changes each day based on low tide
  • Location : Pan Dulce Beach

Pollo Surf School teaches you how to Stand Up Paddle in the 85-degree waters of Pan Dulce Beach, near the southern tip of the Osa Peninsula. The calm and forgiving waves make it perfect for beginners to learn how to paddle out to sea, stand up on a SUP board, and cruise along.

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You paddle down the coast of Golfo Dulce, from Pan Dulce, past Manzanillo and float in front of Matapalo Beach. You admire the fishing boats passing by, feel the crisp air blowing on your face, the blue sky dotted with friendly clouds.

Stand Up Paddling is a great work out for core strength, stability and balance. Those finding it too hard can kneel and those needing a complete break may sit on the board with their legs on the water dangling off each side. The speed and length of your ride will depend on your physical fitness. Since you are not here to compete, go at your own comfortable pace as you take in the views of the sparkling water and the turtles, manta rays, dolphins, and other fish species that live below.

The CPR-certified instructor and owner, nicknamed "Pollo", has been teaching surf lessons since 2001 and bought the Pollo Surf School in 2008. A licensed guide with over a decade of experience, "Pollo" meets you in front of Casa Bambu (or whichever specific place you coordinate beforehand) and walks you over to the beach, where he spends half hour on the sand showing you all the necessary techniques to get started. You get equipped with a stand up paddleboard that gets attached to your foot, preventing the waves from separating you and your new favorite riding toy.

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Stand Up Paddling in Matapalo - Osa Peninsula in Pictures

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