
Cahuita National Park

Tags rainforests, beaches, oceans, national parks and reserves

Razed by the folds of ten thousand waves, the shimmering sands of Playa Blanca glow in the afternoon sunlight. The beach, Cahuita's most popular, is a testament to the illusory line where the land meets the sea, where Cahuita's lowland, coastal rainforest falls away and melts into amalgam of colors and shapes dwelling among the coral gardens off the coast. Each forest, filled with the strange, the bizarre and the amazing from the four-chambered stomachs of sloths that spend their lives grinding cecropia leaves to the color-changing camouflaged tentacles of octopus hiding amongst brain, fire and staghorn coral.

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Quick Facts

  • Location: Cahuita
  • Altitude: Sea level
  • Area: 2,732 terrestrial acres & 55,000 marine acres
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
  • Telephone: 2755-0461 or 2755-0302
  • Entrance fee: Donation


Last updated: Oct 21, 2023