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       health procedure abdominal etching in costa rica
  - Costa Rica

Abdominal Etching

Abdominal Etching

Abdominal etching gives patients a tighter, flatter stomach area with better muscle definition.

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The procedure takes you a step beyond traditional liposuction by sculpting grooves in the fat layers to emphasize a muscular appearance. People who have localized, exercise-resistant fat deposits can achieve enhanced results through abdominal etching. The ideal candidate for this procedure has naturally strong abdominal muscles that can be accentuated with abdominal etching.

During the procedure, several tiny incisions (1-2 mm in length) are made in the natural creases of the abdomen or the belly button. The surgeon uses a cannula (a hollow tube-like instrument) to carefully remove excess fat. Abdominal etching is a unique procedure that involves delicate sculpting to help accentuate a muscular appearance. It may be performed in combination with liposuction for optimum results.

Most patients return home within a couple of hours after surgery. Patients are fitted with a medical compression garment to be worn at all times for at least three to six weeks. Pain, swelling and bruising are common, but will slowly subside over time. Normal activities can be resumed in one to three weeks. Patients will see the final results of abdominal etching within six months of the procedure

Although very rare, the most common complications with abdominal etching include bleeding, infection and scarring. Abdominal etching can be performed in the doctor's office or in an outpatient surgery center. Time in surgery is usually one to two hours. The procedure is often performed under local "twilight" anesthesia, while you are drowsy and sedated yet awake, or under general anesthesia.

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